
I am Shu Li (李述 in Chinese), a third year Ph.D. student at CS@Purdue, advised by Prof. Daisuke Kihara. I am also fortunate to have worked with Prof. Pan Li.

Prior to Purdue, I obtained my B.Sc. degree (2017) in Information and Computational Science from Wuhan University, and M.Sc. degree (2020) in Computer Science and Technology from Nanjing University under the supervision of Prof. Wei Wang.

Research Interests

Research Publications


Professional Services

PC Member: ECAI’20

Reviewer: SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences

Contact Information

Email: shuli [@] purdue [DOT] edu

Address: Room 3151, 305 N University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907, United States

About Me

shuuul - Overview

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